What’s On: Belgium

© Atomium

What’s On: We take a look at the latest events in Belgium.

Wallonia Belgium Tourism in collaboration with the Walloon Heritage Agency presents the exhibition ‘Zoom on your Heritage’ from 13 June to 19 September at the Espace Wallonie in Brussels. Come and discover this exhibition and its take on the heritage of our rich region through the eyes of citizens: monuments, customs, archaeological sites, known or unknown, day or night … 77 photos in Wallonia, 13 in Brussels, that’s 90 ways to (re) discover our heritage. Heritage in the spotlight, but not only… This exhibition is also an opportunity to learn more about the tourist assets of both the tangible and intangible heritage of Belgium: buildings, natural sites, folklore, vestiges of the past… A great invitation to travel, in a somewhat special context, where your safety remains our priority!

Useful information : Where ? Espace Wallonie de Bruxelles, Rue Marché aux Herbes n° 25-27 in 1000 Brussels When? From Saturday June 13 to Sunday September 19, 2020 Hours: Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and holidays from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Free exhibition. Covid-19 recommendations: 1 person / 10 m2, wait for the authorization of the receptionist before entering. Disinfect your hands when entering. Wearing a mask is highly recommended. Direction of the visit: follow the indications on the ground. Be sure to respect social distancing and hygiene rules. www.expositions-wallonie.be/bruxelles/

Yann Arthus- Bertrand: Legacy Mons is hosting two exhibitions dedicated to the
internationally renowned photographer, director and environmentalist, Yann Arthus- Bertrand. An obsessive photographer, he has been working and reworking the
same themes for many years to deepen the subjects and raise awareness of environmental issues to as many people as possible. In St. Georges Hall, discover a little- known selection of his various works, from the 1980s to today. From his first pictures of lions in Kenya to the beginning of the project Earth from Above. The Belfry boasts an open-air exhibition with nearly 100 photos from Earth from Above. 4 July – 25 October. www.visitmons.co.uk

The exhibition Bye Bye Future! The art of time travel is extended until the 25th of October 2020. Thanks to the launch of deconfinement for cultural spaces authorised by the Federal Government, the Royal Museum of Mariemont has the great pleasure to announce its reopening on Tuesday the 26th of May. It is open every day, except on Mondays, from 10am to 6pm. Another good news: scheduled to end on the 24 May, the exhibition ‘Bye Bye Future! The art of time travel’ is extended until the 25 October 2020. Interrogating the world of today and the possible futures through artworks of past and contemporary artists, the thematic of the exhibition has more than ever become accurate! Until 25 October. Royal Museum of Mariemont. www.musee-mariemont.be

Brussels Atomium is back, with a progressive return to life. Enthusiastic and motivated, the Atomium team reopened the doors on Monday 1 June. The reopening of this iconic building, a testimony to the history of our country, is of course particularly symbolic for all Belgians. From 1 June, the Atomium once again welcomes visitors. More than ever, with the confinement period we have endured, along with new habits, Belgians are invited to rediscover their heritage nearby. The Atomium will welcome them with open arms. For 14 years, this public represents 30% of their visitors. As it was after the attacks in 2015 and 2016, this public will be the first to come back and visit the most Belgian buildings of all. It will be particularly pampered. www.atomium.be

Margaret Lansink “Borders of nothingness” In the infinite flow of everything, people come and go in our lives. While the presence of some can be so subtle that we hardly register when it begins or ends, with others it’s far clearer: they enter, or leave, with a bang. In this series of black and white images, Dutch photographer Margaret Lansink (b. 1961) dwells in the emotional state of transition between knowing and not knowing another person. In reaction to her daughter’s decision to suspend contact with her, Lansink uses the camera to feel out the sense of severing a connection. L’Enfant Sauvage. July 9-11. www.enfantsauvagebxl.com

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