Real Estate: Crowdfunding


Real Estate: Yannick Callens offers a solution to protect your savings from inflation – crowdfunding.

One in two Belgians is actively seeking to protect savings from inflation. According to ING’s monthly survey, which measures investor sentiment in Belgium, 52% of respondents say they are actively looking to protect their money from inflation. The interest rate remains desperately low. This is a real worry for Belgian investors, who have seen their savings erode in the face of inflation that for some time now has persisted.

In my opinion a solution to this problem is crowdfunding, which is gaining in popularity. While the concept is in full swing in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and France, which has some 50 active platforms, it is still far from becoming a common practice in Belgium.

Crowdfunding investing in the real-estate sector is a safe solution because savings are guaranteed by the real estate’s value and the yield can be 8% annual, unlike banks with their average rate of return of 0.11%. That’s 7,000% more than a conventional savings account.

Investing at Immo Crowdfunding (www. guarantees a high return from €5,000. Easy and fast, at the launch of each new project, investors/savers are notified by email and if the project interests them they choose the desired amount to invest. There is no processing fee, and 8% gross is guaranteed and calculated over the duration of the investment.

What is crowdfunding in real estate? This is crowdfunding that offers the opportunity for a
majority of individuals to invest in the real-estate sector and have high profitability without, for example, going public. Capital is less exposed and the fixed yield protects against current inflation without taking risks.

Why crowdfunding in real estate? Quite simply, it is a good way to invest without the constraints of real estate, saving time and avoiding the administrative formalities.
At Immo Crowdfunding (www.immofunding. be) 8% per year is the guaranteed rate of return that you can receive, thanks to crowdfunding in real estate. In my opinion, this system is currently a good solution in the medium to long term over six to 24 months to take the time to buy real estate and not be hampered by inflation on your well-deserved savings.

Investing in Immo Crowdfunding means investing in medium-sized, local projects and getting out at the right time. Playing the stock market is not for everyone. Older investors have become more reluctant to take on riskier, higher paying investments, and thus are potentially more exposed to low interest rates and inflation.

Anyone who currently has cash in their savings account and does not wish to risk their money in the stock market can request information from an advisor at Immo Crowdfunding at 02 669 0707 or go to