In our latest Be successful article International Speaker, Peak Performance Trainer and Business Mentor Arnon Barnes asks us to stay inspired.
There are inspiring people all around us. People that have come from great challenges, overcome obstacles and gone through incredible difficulties to soar to the top and leave their energetic signature written in the history books.
So why is it so important to be inspired? What is it about being in the presence of an inspirational person that makes us feel uplifted and make us want to reach for our own full personal potential?
From my experience being ‘inspired’ is a forgotten art. Something that often goes under-rated. Watching and working with some of the most committed and driven business leaders on the planet, one thing that they all have in common is their ability to inspire others to join or share in their vision.
Over the years, having overcome many challenges and obstacles, as I’m sure you have too, one of the secrets I learned about overcoming those ‘hard times’ was to incorporate the concept of short term inspiration and long term inspiration.
What does that mean? Simple: I look at legendary people that inspire me, my role models, from Nelson Mandela to John F. Kennedy, Mother Theresa to Leonardo Da Vinci, to the Michael Jordans of this world and then visualize ‘What would he/ she do?’ We all, in my humble opinion, can benefit from choosing and studying a few inspirational role models. People that embody our true values and that we can learn from to use as an extra source of strength, to help us get unstuck, climb and soar to new personal bests.
However, there is a challenge with having those kinds of ‘public, or famous, role models’. Sometimes we start to compare ourselves with these role models we look up to. Doing that can hurt us, lower our self-esteem by causing us to think; ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’ll never be as successful as him/her’. These and other disempowering, self-imposed, sabotaging internal conversations that we create stops our own growth and ability to achieve the new high levels of personal and professional success.