Food & Drink: Wine In The Time of Covid19


fine wines
In this context, the BIVB’s two presidents are supporting the demands made by the Comité National des Interprofessions du Vin (CNIV) union on behalf of the industry to the government on 6 May. “We need global support for the control of volumes on the market,” explains François Labet. “In this dossier, Bourgogne is particularly focused on the request for an exemption from employee and employer contributions, which would be of great help to many companies. We also want the government to take measures to put an end to the 25% tax applied ad valorem (based on the value of a transaction) to our wines by America following the Boeing/Airbus dispute, which is having a direct impact on sales. We hope our concerns will be quickly addressed.”

Bourgogne wines are part of daily life for consumers Bourgogne wines are symbolic of conviviality and as such, the industry wants to declare its support during these tough times, when France and other countries around the world have been on lockdown. As such, the BIVB has launched a communication campaign targeting both industry professionals and the general public. Its aim is to show that life goes on, particularly in the vines, and to forge a closer connection with consumers during these difficult times. The campaign has been a great success. It has boosted the Les Bourgogne avec vous Facebook group, created to allow fans of Bourgogne wines to keep up to date with the latest news and to share their own Bourgogne memories.

The group gained 1,500 membersin just three weeks. Winegrowers and négociants have also used the group to share images of their daily lives with members through the #laVigneContinue hashtag. Social networks are particularly useful during this time when face-to-face contact is on hold. Depending on the markets, some stakeholders in the wine world are more seriously and perhaps more lastingly affected than others. This visual the BIVB members have chosen is therefore intended to be a symbol of the solidarity of all Bourgogne people with everyone involved in the world of wine, across the globe, who have, over time, become our friends in addition to being our customers. Friends whom we hope to see again very soon.