Loving relationships: The song that is in your heart


LOVING RELATIONSHIPS Why don’t we start this spring with allowing ourselves to be happy? Wouldn’t life be so much more beautiful if we made it a natural part of our daily life to smile at one another? Often, love is to be found in the little things, in simplicity. A smile, a few words, a sentence or two, or in an acceptance or an understanding of one another. In the recognition of another human being, in seeing ourselves in each other.

Love is to be found in unexpected places.

There was another man that came to cross my path at the right time, with the right message. A massage therapist hired by the company I was working for. Sensing his receptivity, I shared with him many deep revelations of my spiritual journey during a brief twenty-minute massage session. I had intuitively felt that he was open to understanding my spiritual journey. While I shared my story, he said: “Katarina, stop saying you have done this and that.” He listened attentively to all my incredible experiences before he said: “It’s not over yet, you need to keep going. You know, the second part of life can be much better than the first part.”

I had searched for so long, and I had found so many answers that there were no morequestions about who I am. I had peacefully found myself in ‘the less I define myself, the more I am’. But I had given up on what to do with my answers and my intuition, to give back what I had learned, to be of service to others and to the world. The guidance of the massage therapist gave me a gentle push forward just when I needed it, right on time. He shone a light on a continuous path in front of me when I was tempted to hibernate. Thanks to this man and his wise words, I shrugged off the belief of being accomplished and kept walking on my mission to help others. A gentle push when I had stagnated in the belief that there was nothing more to be done.