Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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The Together guide to smart investing in 2015

Money management is always a balancing act — and our modern market, still struggling to recover from the financial crisis of 2008, can be...

Tax: The winds of change in Belgium

Belgium finally has new governments, both federal and regional, and it also has a sixth State Reform.Many changes are on the way. What are...

Greek food truck brings healthy eating to Brussels

At a time when fast food and convenience has overtaken healthy eating and taking care of our body, estimates have shown that over 50%...

European film in the digital era

European films represent nearly two thirds of releases in the EU but account for only one third of ticket sales. While the number of...

Time to act: Reforming the real economy

A lot has happened since the onset of the worldwide financial and economic crisis in 2007.After a false start by letting Lehman Brothers go...

Women in the boardrooms: EU cracks the glass ceiling

The European Parliament today voted with an overwhelming majority (459 for, 148 against and 81 abstentions) to back the European Commission’s proposed law to...

United Nations announces best country to age well in

Sweden is the most pleasant country in which to grow old, according to a United Nations report. The world population is aging, but countries...

Flanders celebrates the ‘Battle of the Golden Spurs’

As the people of Flanders celebrate their National Holiday on 11 July they are harking back to the Middle Ages when courageous Flemish townsfolk...

Wall-bania jibe causes uproar

Parents of pupils attending the Dutch-speaking Royal Atheneum in Etterbeek have been outraged by the map of Wallonia drawn up by the schools Flemish...

Brussels in final for Green Capital award

Brussels, Bristol, Glasgow and Ljubljana have been chosen as the four finalists to go to the finals of the European Green Capital 2015 Award...
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