Personal development: Hope is the seed of healing


TOGETHER MAGAZINE PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT When you take a step back and see the big picture, it is understandable. People spend an average of eight hours a day at work, with less and less credit or validation for their efforts. To have no recognition is draining. Another growing problem is the lack of essential human contact, trust and friendly conversations. There is little time left for laughter, mutual encouragement, and inspiration. For many people, the time spent at work has become a long-drawn-out suffering filled with stress and anxiety. Many people worry about who will take the credit for their work and who is out to get them.

As people are focusing more than ever before on conflicts and horror, the virus of an enemy grows everywhere. The old saying ‘separate to better rule’ is gaining ground as our morals decline. It is a timeless trick. The maxim ‘divide et impera’ was first attributed to Philip II of Macedon, and the maxim ‘divide ut regnes’ was used by the Roman ruler Caesar, and by Napoleon. Today this old tool of political power is infused with a contagious virus in most areas of our societies. And we keep feeding on its fuel, through TV series, movies, computer games and thriller novels. The separation virus has become increasingly ‘popular’ and marketable as people become exponentially more miserable.

To eradicate the virus, it would be good to make a U-turn and face our inner enemy. Imagine if by making friends with ourselves we could heal the world. In these turbulent times, we need to fight our internal enemies more than ever before and allow ourselves to be happy. We need to embrace positive perspectives that keep our energies high and inspirational. More than anything, we need essential human contact and trust. We need to pierce the veil of separation and enter the space of confidence towards one another and confidence in ourselves. 

To pretend that we are not human is inhuman. We need to start creating our own rules of how it should be to go to work, and how we should feel towards our colleagues because the irony is that we are all in the same boat. The colleague that you are fearing is fearing you. A lack of trust, joy, inspiration, companionship, safety, and security is depressing for anybody. Nobody wants to be a number in a system that is approaching the edge of destruction. Nobody wants to hit the wall, and still, we are all slowly led towards it by pretending that everything is fine; it is not. 

When things are at their worst, ‘hope’ is the one tool to hold on to fiercely. It holds true for personal healing, and it holds true for the healing of this world. Hope is the seed of healing, and we ignite that hope by igniting it in each other. 

For that to happen, we need to address the inner enemy instead of escaping into the external sustenance of fear. If you let yourself shine in a dark world, you will see that the light will come on in many other places. Don’t let the candle of hope burn out. Face your inner shadow, switch on your light and make it brighter. Let’s all become more conscious about our internal conflicts so that we can let the hope in this world grow.


Read Katarina’s healing articles here.       

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