Personal Development: The Being and the Universe


Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), spiritual father and inventor of analytical psychology, became Freud’s detractor after being his pupil and friend. He had a formidable formula to illustrate his mechanism: if you do not face to your shadow, if you have not made the unconscious conscious, this unconscious will direct your life and you will call it ‘fate’. All those things you do not want to know about your self end up arriving from the outside as if it were destiny.

Chance or coincidence? It was around the same time, in the middle of the last century, that another man, coming from a very different context but nevertheless endowed with great wisdom, wrote that what we could see as the corollary of Jung’s quote: be the change you want to see in the world. He was Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi, 1869-1948.

Indeed, if I choose to realize that what I attract to me is also the reflection of my inner state, of what I release as energy, and if I modify it, then I will start to attract new people and experiences. To change your environment, just change yourself. No luck involved! Each of us is the author of our own destiny, the principal actor in the play we have chosen to interpret.

So, to come back to our starting point, there is probably no luck at work in you finding yourself here, facing these lines, this information. This is not a stroke of luck, but probably the fact that part of you is ready to carry on reading… and do something about it.

Many people are dissatisfied with their existence. The first reflex to overcome this discontent is to change: change hairstyle, change partners, change jobs, etc. The observation, in most cases, is that this is not enough. These cosmetic and superficial modifications, all relatively easy to put in place, bring only a passing satisfaction, a path that will wind back around to the old situation.

Even changes of habit or behaviour are, in most cases, insufficient to breathe new energy. Just think of those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions, promised from the heart and with the best intention in the world – and see what’s left of come in springtime.

A change in the physical and material conditions of our existence is not enough to influence it, simply because we are not just made of matter. Our being also conceals a subtler dimension, sensitive and as unalterable as indefinable, energetic, which touches on the fields of psychology, the emotional and the spiritual.

Far from being a new-age fantasy, this energy dimension is decisive in the course of our encounters and our actions. For a long time, psychologists, for want of anything better, have named this ‘the unconscious’, an aspect of the self which, without the knowledge of our conscious, takes this or that decision for us. But if this unconscious determines, chooses, slices, avoids, it is indeed an energy.

But then, if this unconscious energetic thing is the key to any change in my life, what is it doing? What is it powered by? Is it a brake, a resource, or both? And how to access it in order to implement this evolution, this development to which you aspire?

This is the journey I propose to begin in the following months: a journey through the various dimensions of the Being and the Universe.

Axel Trinh Cong – Medium and therapist – Alignment body – mind – soul – constellations – tarot – soul messages