Prosecco Proves to be all about Culture


The event entitled “Prosecco, more than a wine, it is a culture” was held at the end of last month and hosted in the Parliament building  The evening, organized by MEPs Antonio Cancian and Giancarlo Scotta, featured the Italian sparkling wine . The area is known for its long-standing tradition of wine making and the MEPs held the evening to emphasize that the sparkling wine comes from the near Treviso in the Veneto region of Italy.

“Through this initiative, we would like to pay homage to our landscape which is home to this ancient tradition of wine making,” said Cancian and Scotta.

“Thanks to the DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin), Prosecco has become the identity card for the land of Northern Italy.”

In 2008 Amercian starlet Paris Hilton (pictured)  appeared in an advertising campaign for a type of prosecco sparkling wine that was being sold in cans. The Italian makers and the agriculture ministry demanded that the name of the brand be changed which the Austrian owner did.

See the Event Slideshow in Related Links.