World economics: The relative importance of Digital


Digital is a great opportunity and will bring a lot of added value to business and society, but is only part of it all. There is much more to innovation than Digital only. There are advances in medical care, in climate-related products and services, in new more efficient ways of working (such as the circular economy, Agile and others), in new materials and products in general.The positive side about the pressure of AI on all kinds of tasks that humans perform today is that it forces us to keep on improving and become more efficient ourselves. As long as the latter does not force too many people to burnout it’s a good thing. ‘Servant leadership’ should compensate for the negative effects of the ever and fast changing business world on people. Leaders should actively really care about their people and serve them.

Another good evolution is that the Digital natives seem to learn a sense of “what can be trusted online, or not” early on in their life because they are brought up with Digital. Digital migrants may be more at risk, particularly in the beginning. Still, they may know better when the non-Digital alternatives are better or cheaper. Yes, even in this matter, age diversity has its value, just as diversity has in everything.Be reasonable and prudent concerning Digital and its future, particularly when it is about your personal data or money. The former, your personal data, is not a commodity, often not replaceable. The latter, money, bears no name…