Thursday, July 18, 2024
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Gadgets: Grand technological Christmas presentsh

Our tech guy Colin Moors steers you in the right direction for your gadgets this Christmas. If you've looked into buying the latest 'flagship' devices...

Celebrate the arrival of Saint Nicholas

Saint Nicholas is a little ahead of himself this year, but it’s a big job and it’s probably better to start early. On Sunday,...

Belgian museums: Discover the fascinating Brussels tram museum

In the first of a new Together series on Belgian museums, Liz Newmark takes a trip down memory lane at Brussels’ Urban Transport ...

Belgian design: ODEMARE – Inspiration From Down Under

Belgian design: Marilyn Vercruysse has brought the Antipodes to her native Belgium with ODEMARE. The brand-new Belgian brand offers unique and artistic dishes and cutlery...

What’s On: Belgium

What's On: We take a look at the latest events in Belgium. Wallonia Belgium Tourism in collaboration with the Walloon Heritage Agency presents the exhibition...

Astrology advice: From duality to unity through alchemy

In our latest Astrology advice article Axel TRINH CONG investigates an alchemical formula. What is below is like what is above, and what is above...

Responsible Travel: Discover West Africa’s most remote cultures

Responsible Travel explains how they go softly-softly as they roam the planet. Cultural holidays in Ghana, Togo and Benin These three countries are the spiritual heart...

Professional Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In

Our latest professional coaching article looks at Brett Bartholomew, a strength and conditioning coach, author, consultant and Founder of Art of Coaching™. His experience...

Together Magazine – ING Belgium: Investing as an Expat in Belgium...

Together Magazine – ING Belgium: Investing as an Expat in Belgium event; Financial and real estate investments in Belgium: Tips and tricks for success! Dave Deruytter...

‘20,000 Species of Bees’

Julian Hale reviews one of five excellent European films in the competition to win the coveted Lux Audience Prize. ‘20,000 Species of Bees’ is the...
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