Tuesday, September 3, 2024
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Home fitness: Europe’s favourite home workouts in 2020

Home fitness: Discover Europe's choices when it comes to staying fit With gyms constantly closing and reopening, much of the world has turned to at-home...

Belgian charity: CAP48 against disability prejudice

This Belgian charity tackles prejudice against people with disabilities. CAP48 is a Belgian organization founded in 1957 that allows the collection of funds intended mainly...

Money tips: Black gold loses its lustre

In our monthly money tips column Dave Deruytter wonders aloud: Why is energy so cheap and will it last? The term 'black gold' as a...

Preparing for an endurance run — the smart way

You've signed up for an endurance run. Congratulations! You'll soon be strapping running shoes to your feet and stepping up to the starting line...

Public speaking: Learn secrets of Whole Brain Speaking

Matthew Cossolotto offers more expert advice on how to improve your public speaking. If you want to become a more comfortable, compelling and charismatic speaker,...

Personal development: How to find meaningful work

In our personal development article Gemma Rose wonders how to find meaning in the modern workplace. For this magazine, I previously wrote about how we...

Staying fit in the winter

As the days get shorter and the leaves fall to the ground, we prepare ourselves for winter. Being from northern Canada, I have savoured...

Self help: Who are your real friends?

Self help writer Gemma Rose believes that sometimes your friends just aren’t that into you. There’s nothing like organizing your wedding to figure out who...

European politics: A new impetus for change? Just do it!

In our latest European politics article Catherine Feore muses on The Future of Europe. If you’ve wandered down rue de la Loi, you can’t miss...

Money: Generation Y and Private Banking

Money: Yannick Callens asks are Generation Y and private banking compatible? When two completely different worlds meet, that's where we are today. At the crossroads...
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