Health & Fitness: Group Exercise – A Virtuous Cycle


High-intensity interval training (HIIT), for example, gives plenty of scope to push yourself and your fitness to the limit. The same goes for studio cycling, combat- based workouts, circuits… Even the fittest athlete can challenge him or herself in these classes.

Meanwhile, for those whose concerns are less ‘group exercise won’t push me enough’ and more ‘I don’t think I could manage a class’, there are also plenty of options on the timetable. Aqua classes are a great, low- impact option for those with joint problems; core training and pilates can strengthen muscles that help protect against bad backs; and functional training classes are on offer to develop mobility, balance and co-ordination.

Improved sporting performance – And if you think classes like yoga and pilates are just for women, think again. Slower paced they may be, but these full-body workouts not only develop strength, musculature and flexibility – they also bring a range of other benefits that will absolutely resonate with a male audience.

The flexibility, core strength, power and agility developed in these classes means pilates and yoga can help improve your athletic performance. You’ll hit a golf ball further, run faster and with less pain, be able to safely lift more weight in the gym thanks to a strong core…

You’ll also reduce your risk of getting injured, not only while you’re playing sport but also in day-to-day life. That’s in part down to improved core strength, but it’s also down to enhanced flexibility, balance and agility – all key to fluid, easy movement, which in turn helps prevent injury.

Not convinced? Google ‘pilates and professional athletes’ and you’ll get all the proof you need: elite athletes, from Premier League football teams to Olympic athletes, swear by pilates as a crucial part of their strength and conditioning training.

Meanwhile, as the discipline of yoga continues to grow and evolve, more and more variants are emerging to push you both physically and mentally. The likes of hot yoga, Ashtanga (power) yoga and Bikram yoga are very physical, intense forms of exercise that will give your body as good a workout as any gym- based programme.

Nowadays, there really is something for everyone on the class timetable – and finding the right class is proven to help you stick to your exercise routine. Time to sign up for a class?

Have a look at the Aspria class timetable on

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