Wednesday, September 4, 2024
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Fitness fun: Make sure exercise is infectious

Kate Cracknell, myASPRIA contributor, looks at a new survey on our exercise habits - fitness fun. If you’re struggling to stick to your exercise routine,...

Self improvement: Follow the rituals of life

Sarbani Sen takes a broad look at the rituals that govern different cultures. When we experience violent or important events in our lives, the brain...

World politics: Donald and Kim The reality show

Gerry Callaghan takes a biographical look at Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un in his latest world politics article. The US President and the North...

Lifestyle changes: How to deal with emotional detox

In our second lifestyle changes detox article, intuitive healer Katarina Winslow invites us to listen to the voice in our head. We all have that...

Lifestyle changes: How to detox from your phone

In the first of our slightly different lifestyle changes detox articles Karen Northfield offers tips on winning the mobile battle. There is a saying that...

Self help: A happy life in the age of urgency

Dave Deruytter’s latest self help article suggests we slow down our speed lives. Relax... You can only do as much as you can at any...

Personal coaching books: Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

Our latest personal coaching book pages look at an author offering powerful tips for long-term success. The full title of this personal coaching book is...

Workout regime: Get SMART with your fitness

Lily Knudsen talked to Faissal Teziti, a personal trainer at Aspria Royal La Rasante in Brussels about dealing with your workout regime. In business, we...

Self-improvement: Emotional conflicts and conscious peace

Self-improvement writer and Intuitive Healer Katarina Winslow reflects on the conflicts in our psyche. What is peace? Could you say that peace is consciousness? To...

Self-improvement books: The E Myth Revisited

Two more Self-improvement books from our favourite coaching books, from Michael E. Gerber and Tim S. Grover Over the past 40 years, Michael E....
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