Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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September events at La Maison du Luxembourg

Back at work? Looking for some excellent September events? Look no further... September events in Brussels Belgian Luxembourg in the Ardennes, close by and surprising! Our inspiring...

Travel Italy: Club Med offers Bella Italia in summer

In a Travel Italy special Mélanie Hollebecq helps us discover all the beauty of the country. Club Med invites you to travel to the south...

Health advice: Karma yoga for a more peaceful society

Sarbani Sen seeks the transcendental nature of the self. Seva is an important component of Indian culture. It has been translated in English as “service”,...

Wallonia events: Out of the Books Festival in September

In our regular Wallonia events pages we highlight an excellent initiative. “Changing tomorrow’s world of education together is everybody’s responsibility.” This is the basis for...

Yoga traditions: Is it now just marketable and sexy?

Sarbani Sen wonders what on Earth has happened to yoga traditions. Coming across the #yogaindustry campaign recently, I was surprised to encounter kindergarten stories of...

App technology: The very best newest apps for a better holiday

In his app technology piece our tech guy Colin Moors runs the rule over the latest seasonal apps. With the summer holiday season looming larger...

Be Successful: The Secret, What Great Leaders Know – and Do

In our Be Successful series we look at another book that will help you on the road to great leadership. The Secret: What Great Leaders...

Religion: Looking at Islam and Catholicism

In our religion article Gemma Rose takes a journey into her faith. I was in London during the London Bridge attacks. I had spent the...

Fashion advice: Make sure you dress for the heat

Our fashion advice expert Denitsa Tsekova makes dressing fancy in the heat simpler. So, how to dress fancy when the weather is scorching? It’s that time...

Together magazine partners up with Alfa Romeo

Together magazine partnered up with Alfa Romeo Stelvio and Alfa Romeo Giulia as we launched our bumper summer issue. Saoirse Ronan graced the cover.
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