Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Rugby: Crouch, bind, set!

Catherine Feore meets the president of one of Brussels most popular sports clubs. The Rugby World Cup has put the game of rugby in the...

Fighting Cancer and Fostering Hope: Kom Op Tegen Kanker’s Impact in...

Together Magazine meets Kom Op Tegen Kanker In the heart of Brussels, the fight against cancer takes on a powerful form through the activities of...

Fitness: Your biological clock

Our regular fitness contributors at Aspria explain a little bit more about how to deal with your ticking ‘clock’. Aspria Brussels Royal La Rasante is...

Premenstrual syndrome: How to meet it head-on

In her premenstrual syndrome article Sarbani Sen challenges it to a duel… As a woman, we regularly (I would even say monthly) experience a very...

Health & Fitness: The Breathing Formula

Kate Cracknell offers a few reminders regarding our breath and presents a unique breathing formula! Over the years, you’ve probably forgotten how to breathe properly....

Try these healthy holiday eating tips

Our nutrition expert Sophie Bruno helps you enjoy your food healthy holiday tips. When we go on holiday it is natural to become more body...

Fitness generations. Are you fit enough for your age?

Matthew Lunn, group wellbeing manager for Aspria, looks at how we should perform through the decades. How does your fitness rank against that of others...

The clash of the ash

Looking for a new team sport? One that involves multiple skills? Then Gaelic sports could be for you. Together met with Seán Ryan, the...

Food psychology can help your children

Our nutrition expert Sophie Bruno offer tips for handling fussy eaters using food psychology. Children, especially toddlers and young children, are notoriously difficult eaters. Meal...

Brussels fitness: Why everyone should try boxing

Aspria, experts in Brussels fitness, explain how this sport allows you to combine cardio and all-round muscle strengthening with a focus on core muscles...
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