Saturday, May 4, 2024
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Brussels fitness: Aspria offers an unparalleled service

In our latest Brussels fitness piece, we sat down this month with Brian Morris, Aspria Group CEO. What makes Aspria unique? We like to think we’re...

World economy: Deflation

Dave Deruytter looks at why the economy is in deflation and how we can get out of it. Economic growth around the globe is essentially...

Personal Development: Sex, Sexuality & Sensuality

Personal Development: Sarbani Sen delves into the complex world of sex, sexuality and sensuality. When we talk about sexuality, we mean the physical, chemical, emotional...

Empathy advice: Care for others, care for ourselves

Natalie Morris looks at the tricky question of empathy advice, housewives, bonobos and the inexplicable act of caring. Lately, I have been thinking a lot...

Workout regime: Get SMART with your fitness

Lily Knudsen talked to Faissal Teziti, a personal trainer at Aspria Royal La Rasante in Brussels about dealing with your workout regime. In business, we...

Brussels to Kazakhstan on a solar powered bike

The young Belgian is aiming to drive 100km per day in a custom-designed three wheeled vehicle. The trike has a solar roof to provide...

Intuitive healing: Discover how to reclaim your freedom

Intuitive healing expert Katarina Winslow reflects on what it is to be free. After the year 2020 when our lives were hampered by many rules...

All About Amnesty International Brussels

Amnesty International's Brussels Branch explains all about its work in Europe's capital. Who we are: Amnesty International’s European Institutions Office (EIO) in Brussels coordinates and promotes...

Music fitness: Power to improve your gym results

Kate Cracknell explains how music fitness makes you train better and relax more deeply. Music has the power both to improve our results in the...

Working hours: How to take life easy

Gemma Rose puts the case for the right to not devote ourselves entirely to our jobs by cutting back on working hours. “We have been...
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