Monday, September 2, 2024
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Technology: Online Dating

Technology: Gemma Rose reflects on the life lessons of online dating. When a friend of mind suggested that I try internet dating, I was pretty...

Become successful: New York Times bestseller book ‘Grit’

In our latest look at books that helps you to become successful, Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed that the secret to outstanding...

Personal development: Love people, use things

I stay a couple of days in a village in Sumatra, Indonesia. Houses are situated each side of the long, dusty track, which is...

Be successful: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Our inspirational '' Be successful book this month was written by a man who can spot your financial blueprint. Most people never become financially successful...

Real Estate: Which Side Do You Want To Be On?

Real Estate: Yannick Callens wonders when a global threat becomes a property opportunity. Should we invest locally or internationally in real estate? Have you ever...

Artificial Intelligence: An event for the curious

The Artificial Intelligence conference is billed as 'an event for the curious'. What do I need to know? This event is aimed at business people eager...

European defence: The case for EU coordination

In his regular EU politics pieces Gerry Callaghan reports on the EU’s push for greater European defence coordination. The European Union has called on member...

Personal Development: Coping With Stress

Personal Development: Sarbani Sen explains how to escape from modern stress, especially helping to cope with Covid-19.. For most of us, the world we’ve incarnated...

Global Woman Summit London 2019

Global Woman Club, the fastest growing global networking community for women in business, is holding their fourth annual Global Woman Summit 2019 at the...

Personal development: Setting goals

Not too long ago, the self-help world was taken by storm by the book The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne: selling 19 million copies, grossing...
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