Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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Keep fit: A Brussels yogathon

In our regular keep fit series Sarbani Sen took a tour of the different yoga classes available in the capital. My keep fit yoga-style journey...

International yoga: Discover The Renewal in paradise

In our latest International yoga article Corc Yoga’s latest luxury retreat over the Ascension weekend combines the beauty of the Algarve with the benefits...

Fighting Cancer and Fostering Hope: Kom Op Tegen Kanker’s Impact in...

Together Magazine meets Kom Op Tegen Kanker In the heart of Brussels, the fight against cancer takes on a powerful form through the activities of...

Fitness: Yoga for your body, mind and spirit

In her latest fitness article Erika Brincat show you how move your body, calm your mind and nourish the spirit. For those of you who...

Preventing and curing sports injuries

It was three weeks until my first half-Ironman triathlon and I was a woman obsessed. I was eating, drinking and dreaming about my race...

Health advice: Karma yoga for a more peaceful society

Sarbani Sen seeks the transcendental nature of the self. Seva is an important component of Indian culture. It has been translated in English as “service”,...

Ten types of meditation

At this busy time of year it’s time to look at the benefits of stepping back and benefitting from meditation. Karen Northshield looks at...

Fitness tips: 10 top ways to stay fit and well

In her latest fitness tips article Kate Cracknell marks your wellbeing card. This month we take a look at the trends that are set to...

Fitness: Your biological clock

Our regular fitness contributors at Aspria explain a little bit more about how to deal with your ticking ‘clock’. Aspria Brussels Royal La Rasante is...

Brussels fitness: Aspria offers an unparalleled service

In our latest Brussels fitness piece, we sat down this month with Brian Morris, Aspria Group CEO. What makes Aspria unique? We like to think we’re...
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