Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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New: AquaCircuit Classes at Aspria

Aspria is constantly innovating, this time bringing the principles of CrossFit to the pool.  Forget everything you thought you knew about group classes practiced in...

Music fitness: Power to improve your gym results

Kate Cracknell explains how music fitness makes you train better and relax more deeply. Music has the power both to improve our results in the...

Get fit: Put some variation in your excercise routine

myAspria contributor Nils Courcy says he has the get fit key to chasing away your boredom, stagnation and physical exhaustion. Modern man is sedentary, with...

Belgian wellbeing: Discover the perfect massage

In our latest Belgian wellbeing article we look at Harmony Bien-Être – much more than a massage. No doubt you have heard about this very...

Brussels fitness: Aspria offers an unparalleled service

In our latest Brussels fitness piece, we sat down this month with Brian Morris, Aspria Group CEO. What makes Aspria unique? We like to think we’re...

Sarbani Sen: A path to self discipline and meaningful living

Sarbani Sen makes a compelling case for the restorative and regenerative powers of Kundalini Yoga. Never heard of it? Read on.  My journey of discovery...

Natural Childbirth

Drug-free childbirth without medical intervention is a topic that spawns vitriolic debate. My own simple question ‘what do you all think of natural childbirth?’...

Brussels fitness: Discover a one-hour fitness challenge

Brussels fitness experts Aspria say even 60 minutes of physical activity offers many benefits. Reaching your ideal weight or body shape may take time, but...

Yoga traditions: Is it now just marketable and sexy?

Sarbani Sen wonders what on Earth has happened to yoga traditions. Coming across the #yogaindustry campaign recently, I was surprised to encounter kindergarten stories of...

Health advice: Karma yoga for a more peaceful society

Sarbani Sen seeks the transcendental nature of the self. Seva is an important component of Indian culture. It has been translated in English as “service”,...
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